Wednesday, July 29, 2009
MANHAND - Local hip hop group that can compete with FAMA from HK =)
这个世界有咁大 你又点玩嗮 转数唔快 会淘汰 冇人想出界
就一早玩晒 喂当你一铺输嗮 再转换心态 已见惯不怪
眼看世界有咁坏 过百样丑态 有怪莫怪 我唔快 爱慢游世界
我一般心态 就算未睇得通嗮 确定冇扭軚 就冇人会怪
试下用心感受呢个世界 原来过程系生活必须要接受既洗礼
有回忆回味系种美丽 life goes on 我哋系实验室里面游离浪荡
玩紧实验验紧 right or wrong 发誓誓言究竟weak or strong
有可能系食言唔系食盐食错乱讲 这个实验证实失败 唔需要失眠
因为呢个世界有咁多谜题有问题 解极都系解唔嗮all right
摆低所有希望oh my 遗忘自己仲有愿望 但系冇乜所谓
依然可以继续慢游另一个世界 睇你点睇 juz laid back
人一世物一世 冇人会想成世困系自己困扰既生活问题
但系现实有几多对手可以将佢击败 失败 又边个可以重新再嚟
边个唔想发达兼发围 唔想挨又有冇咁多优惠
挨极得个吉 有冇可能冇乜所谓 通常问题究竟系咪人为
有人太过收埋 太过自闭系咪压力太大 惗得太坏 有啲弊
又赖社会既问题 问题发生又总有两睇 你又点睇
我系冇米暂时未能环游世界 但系我有音乐让我慢游愉快
唔怕淘汰 唔怕金融海啸难题 净系 怕你猛咁催我叫我快
这个世界有咁大 你又点玩嗮 转数唔快 会淘汰 冇人想出界
就一早玩晒 喂当你一铺输嗮 再转换心态 已见惯不怪
眼看世界有咁坏 过百样丑态 有怪莫怪 我唔快 爱慢游世界
我一般心态 就算未睇得通嗮 确定冇扭軚 就冇人会怪
我系出于污泥 但冇惗过做堆烂泥 我只不过选择慢游呢个世界
每个人都有选择要企乜嘢位 一铺惯低 有几多个可以企番上嚟
我冇惗过要威 又怕乜衰俾人睇 由得我哋自由发挥
机会哪怕行唔出嚟 系快定系慢我惗冇乜所谓
我讨厌 想改变 我想知道啲人几时哭完笑完
和平离我几远日后会点 我相信冇人真系识预言
但系对于将来都冇惗过想点 唔好教我做人你我唔同观点
唔同世界真系无乜所谓 慢游真系几舒服 盏鬼
这个世界有咁大 你又点玩嗮 转数唔快 会淘汰 冇人想出界
就一早玩晒 喂当你一铺输嗮 再转换心态 已见惯不怪
眼看世界有咁坏 过百样丑态 有怪莫怪 我唔快 爱慢游世界
我一般心态 就算未睇得通嗮 确定冇扭軚 就冇人会怪
这个世界有咁大 你又点玩嗮 转数唔快 会淘汰 冇人想出界
就一早玩晒 喂当你一铺输嗮 再转换心态 已见惯不怪
眼看世界有咁坏 过百样丑态 有怪莫怪 我唔快 爱慢游世界
我一般心态 就算未睇得通嗮 确定冇扭軚 就冇人会怪
Monday, July 27, 2009
HK Pseudo Model
Someone recently (may be months ago) created a group naming 'kicking pseudo-models out' (This is particularly for HK)...
and from the newspaper, we also can easily find out entertainment news on those pseudo-models almost everyday..
In the recent HK book fair, those so-called businessmen, even helps them (pseudo-models) to repackage their 'sexy' photo into a book (写真集), and publicly sell there (it's a public book fair, so, it 's expected to have lots of kids over there).
Surprisingly, under such a bad economy nowadays, most of the 'books' are sold out in a short time.
So, this is so-called "o靚模效應", which created two contradict conditions;
1. Super like (of coz mainly is supported by guys 宅男)
2. Super hate (parents, 文化界人士...)
Those pseudo-models mainly are in early 20's, which is the age where parents are hoping them studying in university, gaining some knowledge, instead of wearing 'sexy', and hoping to jump into the entertainment loop (娱乐圈)..
of coz, I won't deny there might be a group of them that are really like to be models..
However, I will still personally think that there is some ppl is just hoping to earn uncountable money, and think that this is the easiest and fastest way to achieve their goal!
Anyway, do you think objection will take effect in stopping such culture in HK?
Businessmen are smart, there is always way for them to do ads and generate sales.. long as there are demands from the floors..
English News on people objecting pseudo-model in HK book fair
Adrian Chow sarcastically comments on the 'pseudo-model culture'
This song totally reflect the phenomena in HK, pay attention to the lyrics..
It's a good piece!
Chinese news (from Apple daily):
Example of pseudo-models photo:
Chrissie Chau
I think whoever got watched beauty-cooking II, will surely know some of them..:)
and from the newspaper, we also can easily find out entertainment news on those pseudo-models almost everyday..
In the recent HK book fair, those so-called businessmen, even helps them (pseudo-models) to repackage their 'sexy' photo into a book (写真集), and publicly sell there (it's a public book fair, so, it 's expected to have lots of kids over there).
Surprisingly, under such a bad economy nowadays, most of the 'books' are sold out in a short time.
So, this is so-called "o靚模效應", which created two contradict conditions;
1. Super like (of coz mainly is supported by guys 宅男)
2. Super hate (parents, 文化界人士...)
Those pseudo-models mainly are in early 20's, which is the age where parents are hoping them studying in university, gaining some knowledge, instead of wearing 'sexy', and hoping to jump into the entertainment loop (娱乐圈)..
of coz, I won't deny there might be a group of them that are really like to be models..
However, I will still personally think that there is some ppl is just hoping to earn uncountable money, and think that this is the easiest and fastest way to achieve their goal!
Anyway, do you think objection will take effect in stopping such culture in HK?
Businessmen are smart, there is always way for them to do ads and generate sales.. long as there are demands from the floors..
English News on people objecting pseudo-model in HK book fair
Adrian Chow sarcastically comments on the 'pseudo-model culture'
This song totally reflect the phenomena in HK, pay attention to the lyrics..
It's a good piece!
Chinese news (from Apple daily):
Example of pseudo-models photo:
Chrissie Chau
I think whoever got watched beauty-cooking II, will surely know some of them..:)
Monday, July 6, 2009
No Plastic Bags Day
Heard about "No plastic bags day" will be implemented in penang every monday..
However, never really think about it..
Today happens to drop by Tesco..
When queuing at the cashier counter,I heard the cashier told the person in front.
Today is "No plastic bags day", if insist need a plastic bag, 20cents will be charged.
['s really implemented one wo...(never think about this..:P)]
Unlucky is I forgot to bring out my environmental friendly bag..
Lucky is I only bought a few dry food, and my own bag is big enough to fit them in =D
Poor guy in front of me, he bought all raw ingredients (beef, liver, chicken), and somemore with blood inside..:S
So guys, bear in mind...
if you go Tesco on monday, please bring your own bag~
Or be prepared to spend 20 cents more..
(If i'm not mistaken, the 20 cents should be donated to certain organization..)
Click here for details news
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