Tuesday, June 22, 2010

一直看见天使 Where is my angel?~

kind of relaxing listen to this song when u r in bad mood, pms, etc (at least i feel good for it..)
Devil unavoidable will be there, even not everyday, but still will appear once in a while...
Hopefully the little angel is really like what she sang..always by my side..
Recharging my-positive-energy (正能量) level now...
growing up growing up growing up~~~~~~~~~

Thursday, May 27, 2010


好奇心驱使下,上youtube 找了这首歌。。。。
现在就疯狂(有一点夸张 :P) 地爱上了....
其实这首歌有几个人唱过...包括作曲人自己 (张继冲), 官恩娜...
但是,何韵诗独特,带点低沉的声音, 听起来"0些" 伤感..

如果 一手鋸開枯樹 木不會發現痛
不過 日日澆水的我 覺得被挖空
如果 必須結束關係 難扮成從未栽種
讓我 數著年輪 這些年輪 我的心會痛 wo~

在信中 圈圈緊扣 情感多深厚
前因 非因 錯種

分開簡單 抹去往事極難
幾多溫馨 燭光晚餐
難以用 斧頭一劈 叫畫面飛散
伴侶沒了 記憶會為患
倚星細語 抱月夜談
歷歷在目 錄下年鑑
來年樹倒 身影孤 煙花散
年輪未可推翻 化不~淡
(情長未可推翻 化不~淡 )

緣慳 但是人非草木 並不會太易慣
刻個 木造的心給我 痛苦未會減
情願 舊事連根一拔 忘滅如燃盡的炭
但我 數著年輪 幾圈年輪 已經濕了眼 wo~

就怕翻風的一晚 回首貪一眼

就怕新婚的一晚 臨終貪一眼

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Answers to the quizzzz

Upon request.....
Here's the answer for the quiz (Pls refer to the last post for the questions..)

1. C. With the faster/quick rhythm, everything will become faster, and customers will not stay long at the restaurant.

2. B. photo of a baby.
According to analysis,
19% of the ppl will return the wallet if there is photo of puppy inside.
35% of the ppl will return the wallet if there is photo of baby inside.
8% of the ppl will return the wallet if there is donation receipt inside.

3. A. 5:1
This is the result of a analysis report as well..forgot what;s the reason d..hehe...

4. B. Right side of the stranger.
talking at right side of the stranger, causing him use left brain to think (logical). According to report, if you wish to borrow a cigarette from a person, asking at his/her right side, the successfu rate is double!

5. C. reduce criminal rate.
Blue color has come cooling effect. and the fact is, after changing the street light color, the criminal rate at that place (somewhere in Japan) is reduced by 10%.

6. The description has to start with good words. This is called 首因效应, when 3rd party listen to you, he/she will only accept the first word you said.


Watched a tv program recently, they're asking some psychology questions...quite interesting....i think..hehe...

1. 以下哪一个方法可以操控餐厅客人,缩短逗留时间, 以增加营业额?Which method as stated below can be used to control the time a customer staying in a restaurant?

A. 加大餐具的面积,如碟子 Increase the size of the tableware, eg plate

B. 减少聘请女侍应 Reduce the hiring of waitress

C. 播放节奏轻快的音乐 Play some song/music with a faster/quick rhythm

2. 假如遗失钱包,钱包里有什么东西会促使拾到的人交还给你?If you lost your wallet, which item shown below will cause the person who collect it, return to you?

A. 小狗的照片 A photo of a puppy

B. 婴儿的照片 A photo of a baby

C. 捐款收据 A donation receipt

3. 维持美满,平衡的夫妻关系, 正负面的说话比例是? To maintain a good and balance relationship between a couple, what's the ratio of positive words vs negative words?

A. 5:1

B. 20:1

C. 1:3

4.在街上向陌生人问路, 在什么方向发问的成功率较高?When you wish to ask for a direction (road) from a stranger, which position you stand and ask will have a higher chance to get answer?

A. 陌生人的左边 The left side of the stranger

B. 陌生人的右边 The right side of the stranger

C. 陌生人的后面 Behind the stranger

5. 2005年, 日本奈良县将街灯的颜色由橙色换成蓝色, 究竟有什么目的? Year 2005, somewhere in Japan, the goverment change the street light color from orange to blue. What's the purpose to do so?

A. 催谷出生率 Increase the birth rate

B. 减少失业率 Reduce unemployment rate

C. 减少罪案率 Reduce criminal rate

6. 请用一段话向第三者介绍 Mr. A, 令第三者对他有良好印象, 但必须具备以下的词语 Please describe Mr.A to 3rd party, so that Mr.A has a good reputation in front of 3rd party. The description must have the following criteria:

顽固, 随和,冲动,聪明,勤奋, 好批评人
stubborn, easy going, impulsive, clever, hardworking, like to criticize

Looking forward to your answers ;)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

《 两道选择题,看完之后我真的只剩下沉默》


A、他一定会 B、他一定不会 C、他可能会

A、她一定会 B、她一定不会 C、她可能会








Thursday, January 21, 2010

Year 2010's Resolution

Pheww.....it has been a long time I didnt update my blog....due to laziness..:p

New year new hope..
Time to set the resolution for year 2010:

1. Change hairstyle!!!! (done =>)
2. Throw away my specs....(partially done only for the moment...hehe)
3. Buy more new clothes~~
4. Repair my skin!
5. >= 1 Oversea travel trip
6. .......

Deep thinking in progress.........

Monday, November 23, 2009

Shwang's Wedding

This year is a good year...
This can be proved from the wedding invitation cards that received from early of the year till now...
Ang Pao also gave till scare.....:p
But, of coz we gave it with wishes and happy for them from our deep heart..
Last week, my best friend get married~~~~
I'm so happy for her....

Love is in the air when groom and best men meet jimuis:
1. Standard: Her husband need to express his "love word" 爱的宣言, telling how, when they meet each other, why he loves her???
2. Groom and best men feel the sour, sweet, bitter, hot
3. 5 persons wear underwear outside and write on it "老婆我爱你" (funny, they forgot how to write 婆, it becomes 老 wife 我爱你...:P)
4. Groom needs to say out bride's family members FULL name, include her parents (of coz), her brother+wife+son+daughter, her sisters (3), 2 of her dogs, and also all the jimuis' name...
5. Grab the correct key from the icebox (1 ang pao per chance)....where there is actually none of them is the right key :P
6. Give the biggest angpao and persuade the parents in law in order to get the permission to open the door...

From the process the groom trying hard to marry my friend..
I can feel that the happiness is already in her hands!!! ^_^

I would like to congrats her again here...
And wish her live happily forever~~~~
One regret is, I couldn't follow her to KL and attend the wedding dinner there...

Wedding Dinner @ Taiping

出嫁 Married to KL